Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey Resume later default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Faculty of Science - Request for One Time Funding (This question is mandatory) Date of Event (must be two months lead time) Date format: Open date/time selector 1900-01-01 2187-12-31 23:59:59.999 DD.MM.YYYY (This question is mandatory) Please identify the requesting club/organization/department: (This question is mandatory) Who is the primary contact? (This question is mandatory) Please provide the email address of the primary contact: (This question is mandatory) Please provide a brief overview of the event's purpose: Please indicate the Science participation rate: Note the ratio of Science involvement. For example: % of attendees who are students, faculty, staff in the Faculty of Science Diversity of planning committee and slate of speakers or panelists (please indicate the composition by gender and other under-represented groups of your planning committee and slate of speakers, or the steps taken to encourage a diverse slate of speakers for your event): Optional: Upload a spreadsheet containing your budget. Allowed file types: png, gif, doc, odt, jpg, pdf, png, xls, xlsx, csv, docx Please upload at most one file Upload file Title Comment File name × Upload file Optional: Upload your sponsorship package. Allowed file types: png, gif, doc, odt, jpg, pdf, png, xls, xlsx, csv, docx Please upload at most one file Upload file Title Comment File name × Upload file Estimated event revenue Categories e.g. - Ticket sales, by individual - $$$ Department support - $$$ Total Revenue ($) (combined funds from each category in the above question) Estimated expenses Major categories e.g. - Honorariums - $$$ Space rental - $$$ Office supplies - $$$ Travel expense - $$$ Food - $$$ Total Expenses ($) (combined expenses from each category in the above question) Amount of funding requested from the Faculty of Science ($) Chartfield for Transfer (if provided funds) Fund # - Account # - Department # - Program # Is there anything else you would like us to know? For example: Website URL for conference/event Next Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey ×