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ACT Canada Submission Portal - RFA 5

To Bring High-Impact Randomized Controlled Trials to Canada that Were
Initiated and Are Led by a Non-Canadian Country


Welcome to the ACT Canada submission portal for the fifth request for applications (RFA 5).  Your application must be submitted via this portal, emailed applications will not be accepted.  

Please complete all questions in this portal and upload a single PDF of your application.  Naming convention for the PDF should include a National Canadian PI last name and project title (e.g., "Smith_ProjectTitle.pdf"). 

Application Components:

Please refer to the Call for Proposals (link) for detailed breakdown of section requirements and scoring.

  • Summary: 1 page.
  • Written Proposal: max 3 pages if written in English or 4 pages if written in French. 
  • Budget and justification: 1 page.
  • References, figures, or tables: (optional, max 1 page).
  • Protocol: length as needed.
  • Deadline: Submitted by noon EST on Monday, September 30th, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.  
    • Once submitted, confirmation of receipt will be provided. If you do not hear back within 24 hours, please follow up to ensure successful delivery.

If you have any concerns or questions about this application process, please contact the Coordinating Team at

Thank you for your interest in the ACT Canada Consortium and for your application.  

**Application can be saved and resumed at any time by selecting "Resume Later" in the top right corner.**
(This question is mandatory)

1. Which ACT Canada Research network (link) has endorsed this application?

  • each network can endorse a maximum of 3 applications

(This question is mandatory)
2. Please provide the name and registration details of the high-impact RCT you are aiming to bring to Canada.

3. Who is the International Overall Trial Principal Investigator, as listed in the trial protocol, for this submission?

(This question is mandatory)

4. a) How many National Canadian Principal Investigators are included in this application?

  • National Canadian Principal Investigator(s) leading the application can only submit one application to this competition.
  • Full membership details, including co-applicants, can be included in the PDF.

4. b) First National Canadian Principal Investigator

4. c) Second National Canadian Principal Investigator

4. d) Third National Canadian Principal Investigator

(This question is mandatory)

5. Which CIHR eligible institution will hold funds for this submission?

  • this organization will ensure and report that funds were used for CIHR eligible expenses
(This question is mandatory)

6. Checklist:

  • We provide this checklist for your convenience. Please ensure you include all requirements as described in the Call for Proposals (link) and check each section for completion, accuracy, and eligibility.

Trial Details: Ongoing, active, and currently recriting patients. High-impact with high-quality methods. Uses a form of randomization (e.g., parallel group, cluster/stepped wedge/cluster cross-over, factorial, platform).

International Collaboration: The international Overall Trial Principal Investigator, as listed in the protocol, and the main data coordinating centre for the trial are located outside of Canada. The overall Trial Principal Investigator must be collaborating with a designated National Canadian Principal Investigator(s) who is a member(s) of an ACT Network. 
Endorsement: Application is endorsed by one of the 34 ACT Networks. Each ACT Network can endorse a maximum of three applications to this competition. No letter of support is required from the supporting ACT Network.
Budget: Applicants can request up to $200,000 (CAN) in direct funding. Funds can only be used to support the cost of having Canadians participate in the trial. The trial cannot have previously received funding through a CIHR grant.
Timeline: The trial will complete recruitment and follow-up of Canadian patients related to the ACT funding of this trial by June 30, 2026.  The trial may take longer to finish, but the ACT funding must be utilized by this date.  We recognize the timelines related to the ACT funding may be limited for large high-impact international trials.  Therefore, ACT fully supports researchers using additional non-ACT funding to recruit additional patients or complete extended follow-up of patients recruited via ACT funding.  
CIHR Eligible:  Funds will be transferred to an organization eligible to hold CIHR funds; this organization will ensure and report that funds were used for CIHR eligible expenses.
Acknowledgement: The overall Trial Principal Investigator and designated National Canadian Principal Investigator(s) will acknowledge ACT Consortium partnership and funding in all related presentations and publications.
PDF: Includes proposal (max 6 pages in English, max 7 pages in French), most recent version of the protocol, and preferably the most recent version of the statistical analytic plan.
(This question is mandatory)

7. Submission Package PDF:

  • Please submit a single PDF with file name that includes a National Canadian PI last name and project title (e.g., "Smith_ProjectTitle.pdf"). 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the file you upload contains all required components. 
e.g., "Smith_ProjectTitle.pdf"
(This question is mandatory)
8. What email address should be used for correspondence and confirmation of submission?

Once you are satisfied with your submission, please press the  [submit]  button bottom right.  We will send an email confirming receipt of your application to the correspondence email address provided.  

Thank you for your interest in ACT Canada and for your submission.

The Accelerating Clinical Trials Consortium is generously supported through multi-year funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Clinical Trials Fund, as part of Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy to ensure that Canadians are well served by a national clinical trials network.

CIHR's leaf identifier - full-colour portrait version